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What is an Occlusal Cavity?

Impeccable Smiles • Apr 03, 2018

Have you ever had a cavity? Despite common belief, it’s not something that happens to everyone. With proper oral care, you can avoid getting them altogether.

That said, if you already believe you may have a cavity, there are treatment options to eliminate the pain.

To understand what an occlusal cavity is and the treatment options for it, it makes sense to have a basic overview of the inner workings of teeth.

What Is a Cavity?

Let’s start by going over what teeth are made of. Teeth are made out of four layers:

1. Enamel:  This is the hardest part of your tooth (of your entire body, actually). It’s the outside layer covering your teeth. It’s what you see in the mirror when you smile (if you have healthy teeth, that is). It’s what you brush.

Its purpose is to protect your teeth from bacteria and acids when you eat. This is because the inside layers of your teeth contain nerves. Nerves are ultra sensitive to cold and hot temperatures.

If it weren’t for your tooth enamel, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy things such as ice cream or hot coffee. So yes, you should definitely be making an effort to keep your enamel healthy. This is especially so because this layer doesn’t contain any cells. Once you lose it, it won’t regenerate. Sayonara. Adiós. Bye, Felicia.

2. Dentin:  This is the layer underneath enamel. It’s what most of a tooth is made of. If the tooth’s enamel erodes, the dentin is exposed and the person will experience tooth sensitivity. This is because the surface of dentin is porous, which allows substances to get closer to nerve endings.

3. Pulp:  The pulp is right in the middle of a tooth. It’s made out of soft tissue and has all the tooth’s nerves and blood vessels. Pulp is responsible for forming dentin.

4. Cementum:  This part covers the root of your teeth and attaches them to your bones.

A cavity occurs when portions of a tooth become permanently damaged. This happens due to poor oral hygiene and choosing sugary drinks and snacks over healthier options.

Untreated, a cavity will get larger and deeper. The more layers it affects, the more pain a person is going to feel.

If it gets to the pulp, this interior layer will become inflamed, which is extremely painful. And the only way to take care of a cavity that has reached the pulp is to have a  root canal. If that’s your cup of tea, by all means, skip brushing and flossing and swish your teeth with soda.

What Is an Occlusal Cavity?

An occlusal cavity is one that has only affected the enamel (top layer) of the back teeth. This is important to know because often, people overlook taking care of their molars. Just because they’re back there, it doesn’t mean you should neglect them.

Symptoms of a Cavity

Some of the most common signs of having a cavity are the following:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Pain when eating or drinking cold food or beverages
  • Pain when eating or drinking hot food or beverages
  • Pain when you bite down
  • Pain when chewing
  • Foul taste in your mouth
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Dark spots on your teeth
  • Tiny holes on your teeth
  • Swelling in your gums
  • Fever (when it has affected the deepest layers)

How to Prevent Cavities? | How to Prevent Cavities From Getting Worse

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, for at least two minutes.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months.
  • Floss every day. Yes. Every single day. It’s more enjoyable than tooth decay.
  • Skip sugary drinks. It won’t make a difference if you use a straw.
  • Go to the dentist regularly. Brushing alone won’t remove tartar buildup.

Think You Have a Cavity? Schedule an Appointment With Impeccable Smiles Today for Treatment

Going to the dentist is not exactly a fun experience, but we will make it as pleasant as possible.

If you think you have a cavity, we can help you minimize the pain and prevent you from getting additional ones.

Contact us  to schedule an appointment. Happy smiling!

The post What is an Occlusal Cavity? appeared first on Impeccable Smiles.

By Vivian DeLuca 03 Apr, 2024
Free Oral Sedation this Month! Relax with Us! Need an extraction? Get free oral sedation for any extraction scheduled in April. At Impeccable Smiles, we're dedicated to providing a comfortable experience. Oral sedation helps you feel calm and confident when tooth extraction is needed. Why Get Oral Sedation Dentistry? With oral sedation, multiple procedures can be performed during the same visit. We offer different levels of sedation: Nitrous Oxide (Lets you be able to drive home or back to work) Valium Sedation (Calms you so that you will "actually show up") Conscious Sedation (Calms and sedates you, so you will be a happy camper. But will need a driver to go home) Appointment must be scheduled in April. The offer expires on April 30, 2024. Call 813-365-3552 or click here to schedule your dental appointment today!
By Vivian DeLuca 02 Apr, 2024
April is recognized as National Stress Awareness Month to bring attention to the negative impact of stress. Managing stress is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Knowing how to manage stress can improve mental and physical well-being and minimize the exacerbation of health-related issues. Stress can significantly impact oral health, causing teeth to break, jaw pain (TMJ), headaches, and migraines. This is because stress can cause people to grind or clench their teeth while sleeping, a condition called bruxism. Impeccable Smiles runs our practice on a holistic oral connection. So, it is critical to examine how stress affects oral health. We will look at: Poor Oral Hygiene Routine Dry Mouth Teeth Grinding Clenched Jaw Poor Oral Hygiene Routine When stressed, many things take a seat on the back burner. We tend to find comfort in things that may include unhealthy food like sugar and caffeine. An in-balance diet correlates to your mouth. In addition to consuming the wrong foods, you may avoid brushing your teeth twice daily. Not brushing or skipping flossing will lead to plaque buildup, tooth decay, cavities, and potential tooth loss. Dry Mouth When your mouth makes little or no saliva, it affects more than just your thirst. Saliva helps you taste and digest what you eat and rink. It also flushes food particles from the teeth and reduces the acids that cause tooth decay and can lead to gum disease. Excessive alcohol and tobacco use can also cause dry mouth. Teeth Grinding Also known as bruxism, grinding is an action caused by stress and anxiety. It happens at night while sleeping, and most people don't realize they are doing it. Over time, grinding can lead to chipped teeth, teeth sensitivity, or tooth loosening. Clenched Jaw (TMJ) When you have chronic stress, you will experience muscle tension in your jaw. A Tempororamadibular joint disorder, known as TMJ, will occur. TMJ is very painful and causes popping in the jaw, sensitivity to certain foods, swelling of the jawline, and headaches. Most people will have to ice daily and take problem or muscle relaxers. If the problem persists, we suggest getting fitted for a mouth guard. This will save your teeth and make you sleep and feel better. You can wear mouthguards during the day and all through the night. If you can step back and see where the source of the stress is coming from and work on that area, that’s the best way to fend off the adverse effects. However, if that’s not entirely possible, then turning to healthy habits like yoga, meditation, journaling, or exercising can help to reduce tension. Impeccable Smiles is always here for to help you with your holistic dental journey. Please contact your dentist in Lutz for a consultation. 
By Vivian DeLuca 05 Mar, 2024
$200 off Dental Implants & Mini-Implants Special Have the look and function of natural teeth. Speak, Chew, and Smile with confidence again. We offer: Single or multiple tooth replacement. Implants & Mini-Implants. You might feel self-conscious about your smile if you are missing a few teeth. On average, Americans lose about 12 teeth by the age of 50. Various things factor into tooth loss, but losing teeth isn't necessarily the end of having a full, bright smile. Dental implant procedures replace the root of your missing teeth with metal posts, then add artificial teeth that function exactly like real ones.They're a fantastic alternative to dentures, but only some are candidates for dental implant procedures. Schedule your appointment today to see if implants are right for you. If they are, we will give you $100 off the placement cost and $100 off the cost of the abutment. That's a $200 total off of our already low prices. Call 813-365-3552 or click here to schedule your dental appointment today!
By Vivian DeLuca 04 Mar, 2024
In honor of National No Smoking Day on March 13, 2024, we wanted to educate our patients on the effects that smoking has on their teeth. Smoking can have a significant impact on your dental health. It can cause bad breath and even tooth loss. The chemicals in tobacco can damage the enamel of your teeth, making them more susceptible to decay. Smoking also reduces blood flow to the gums, which can lead to gum disease and, eventually, tooth loss. If you have a dental procedure, smoking can slow down the healing process, making it harder for your mouth to recover. Other than the tooth loss, will you get discoloration of teeth Smokers' teeth tend to develop tobacco stains; these may be yellow, brown, dark brown, or even black stains, the severity depending partly on the duration and frequency of the habit. How dental problems affect your total health If you need extra motivation to consider quitting, it can be helpful to think about what tobacco-related dental issues can do to your overall health. Smoking can cause life-threatening cancers of the mouth, throat, tongue, or jaw. Quitting now will reduce your risks for 12 different forms of cancer. Untreated gum disease – often caused by smoking – has been linked with stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, and dementia. It's essential to quit smoking to maintain good dental health. If you are a smoker, ask us about our oral cancer screening test today!
By Vivian DeLuca 09 Feb, 2024
February is National Children's Dental Health Month at Impeccable Smiles! Cavities, also known as caries or tooth decay, are childhood's most common chronic disease, yet cavities are preventable. Untreated cavities can cause pain and infections, leading to problems eating, speaking, and learning. Did you know that more than 1 in 5 children aged 2 to 5 years have at least one cavity in their baby teeth. However, cavities are preventable. Ensure to wipe your baby's gums after each meal. Avoid putting babies to bed with a bottle. Brush your child's teeth twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste. Limit drinks and food with added sugars for children. Schedule your child's first dental visit by their first birthday or after their first tooth appears. Impeccable Smiles recommends dental sealants, that is a thin coating painted on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. Sealants protect chewing surfaces from cavities by covering them with a protective shield that blocks out germs and food. Sealants protect against 80% of cavities for two years and continue to protect against 50% for up to 4 years. Call us at (813) 365-3552 to schedule your child's dental check-up today!
By Vivian DeLuca 08 Feb, 2024
What is Gum Disease? Gum or periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues and bone-supporting teeth. Does Gum Disease affect your Total Body Health? Yes! There are at least 12 illnesses suggested between gum disease and other illnesses and conditions. 85% of US adults suffer from some degree of gum disease, making it one of the most common diseases in America – more common than cancer, diabetes, arthritis, or heart disease. Many people aren't aware of the connection between gum disease and other illnesses. Learning about the connection between gum disease and other diseases and the overall importance of oral health is critical to improving gums and general health. The top illnesses that are affected by gum disease are: Heart Disease Stroke Cancer Diabetes Heart Disease People with gum disease are 2x as likely to have heart disease. Doctors know that bacteria and other inflammatory toxins below the gum line travel via vascular pathways in the mouth throughout the body, including to the heart. Reducing any amount of bacteria in the body, including that present in gum disease, will reduce the risk of heart disease. Stroke People with severe gum disease have a 3x to 4x higher risk of brain stroke. A new study has found that people with gum disease are around twice as likely to have a stroke. Researchers have discovered when the gums bleed and become inflamed. It changes how blood and oxygen flow to the brain 1. The link between gum disease and stroke is the inflammation present for both and the hardening of the arteries that results from it. Experts agree that by preventing gum disease, you decrease the risk factor for certain types of stroke. Cancer Several studies show strong evidence linking gum disease with an increased risk of oral cancer and pancreatic cancer. Gum disease could lead to increased pancreatic carcinogenesis because individuals with periodontal disease have higher levels of oral bacteria and higher levels of nitrosamines, which are carcinogens, in their oral cavity. Diabetes Nearly 22% of diabetes patients have gum disease. People with diabetes are more likely to develop severe gum disease, causing more tooth loss than those without it. Gum disease has also led to difficulties in people with diabetes regulating their glucose levels. Controlling blood sugar levels decreases the risk of gum disease and other complications from diabetes. Impeccable Smiles says to watch out for these signs and symptoms of gum disease: Painful chewing Sensitive teeth or gums Red, swollen, or tender gums that bleed easily The gap between teeth and gums Bad breath and halitosis Pus discharge from the gums Loose or shifting teeth Receding gums or longer-appearing teeth Changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite Gum Disease Treatment Options: Professional dental cleaning Scaling and root planning Medications Antiseptic chips or antibiotic microspheres Antibiotic gel Enzyme suppressant Contact a Dentist in Lutz You can't reverse moderate gum disease can't be reversed; it can be treated to prevent further damage and tooth loss. Treatment can also ease your symptoms and start your journey to healthy gums. Without treatment, it can progress to advanced periodontal disease, leading to further complications. Dr. DeLuca specializes in Holistic Dentistry. Call us today to schedule your appointment for better health. 1. Fagundes NCF et al. (2019) 'Periodontitis As A Risk Factor For Stroke: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis', Vascular Health and Risk Management (August 2019), available at
By Vivian DeLuca 04 Jan, 2024
We're offering a special to welcome the new year! New Year, New Smile! Transform YOURSELF! Transform YOUR SMILE! For a limited time, receive $500 off full treatment braces or ClearCorrect + FREE consultation! Impeccable Smiles: we believe in providing comprehensive dental care that leaves you with the best smile! At your consultation, we'll help you with the following: Find the perfect treatment for you Ask questions and get answers from Dr. DeLuca and the team Get $500 off your complete treatment See how quickly braces transform smiles Or check out ClearCorrect (American Made) to see how clear aligners can improve your smile without braces! A $270 non-refundable fee is required to start treatment; this amount is applied to the ClearCorrect balance. Call our office at 813-365-3552 for your FREE consultation!
By Vivian DeLuca 05 Dec, 2023
Use it or Lose it! - Dental Insurance Benefits You're probably wondering what does, "use it before you lose it" mean. Did you know that at the end of the year any dental benefits you have not used are wiped away and your insurance benefits for the new year kick in? Which means you may be throwing away hundreds of dollars every year! By using all or as much of your dental benefits before the new year, you can be saving your family money. You never know if your child will need the whole of your benefits with unforeseen procedures, like a fractured tooth in the playground in the following year. There are some dental insurances that run on a fiscal year, but the majority of dental insurances run on a calendar year. Which means that on January 1 any dental benefitsyou had on December 31 gets reset, very few plans roll over those benefits. If you have a calendar year plan, you should call our office and we can work with you and your dental insurance in order to maximize your benefits. We know you have a ton of activities to coordinate every day. We're here to help you be able to squeeze in that dental appointment smoothly! Call and talk with Laura they can guide you how to maximize your dental benefits before they expire December 31. Book now online! Call our office at 813-365-3552 to make your appointment today! Reminder: Christmas week office hours: 12/22 closed through 1/1.
By Vivian DeLuca 06 Nov, 2023
November special is ...... 20% off patient portion services (what the patient owes after insurance)! Now is the time to book those treatments you have been postponing. Some procedures can be costly, but now you can save 20% off them all this month! • Dental Implants • Dental Veneers • Dental Crown • Tooth Extraction • Dentures • Night Guards • ClearCorrect Schedule your appointment today and mention this offer to $ave! *A 20% discount is only for the balance the patient owes for the service date. Valid on new appointments only. Offer ends November 30, 2023.
By Vivian DeLuca 03 Oct, 2023
National Dental Hygiene Month is Celebrated Every Year in October! Everyone loves a clean mouth, right? And we think keeping that mouth of yours clean on the regular is worth celebrating. We believe it's worth celebrating not just for a day but for an entire month; hence, the recognition of October as National Dental Hygiene Month. Why is National Dental Hygiene Month important? 1. It encourages oral health 2. It celebrates the hard-working hygienists 3. It's an excuse for a new toothbrush. (Check out our new toothbrush stock below.) Impeccable Smiles celebrates our Certified Registered Dental Hygienist Karleigh !
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